Dispersing Impellers:
Generally speaking, a dispersing blade is a blade that fits onto a disperser which is built to run at high speeds forming a vortex and creating shear on the surface of the blade. The blades are flat and bolt onto the shaft using a center bore with pins/bolts or a center bore with keyway sandwiched between stiffening plates. They can be found with welded collars and set screws but this can be very dangerous. They can be found with center bores and no pins or no keyway but they can then spin unless there is a strong compression plate type fitting or reverse threads. Polyblades still require stiffening plates to prevent the bolt holes from stretching. However, urethane blades can be cast with a metal plate in the center eliminating the need for external plates. The Polyblade is bi-directional and can be flipped over when the following edge of the scooped has gone from a 90 degree angle to a 45 degree angle. ALL Polyblades have this advantage. In addition, Polyblades never get sharp and do not need extra caution and Blade Guardians when not in use.
For more detailed information on this subject, please visit the Education & Information section.
Accessories for Dispersing Blades:
- Stiffening plates are needed for steel blades to delay fatigue caused by a fluttering effect when the shaft is running at high speeds;
- Stiffening plates are needed for plastic blades to prevent the holes and/or keyway from stretching;
- Blade guards should be used for stationary steel impellers to prevent personnel from getting cut or always have the idle blade in an empty drum or tank;
For a quote or discussion, complete the IMPELLER BLADE SPECIFICATION FORM.